Friday, September 13, 2013

New Beginings

Today I decided to delete my Facebook account, yay. Let us celebrate. FREEDOM.

Now I have plenty of reasons for doing such a crazy and wild thing, don't think it was a rash decision.
1. It's a breeding ground for bullies and bad vibes
I got bullied,that's not okay. I'm in my twenties and people still think it's okay to be bullies and I don't need that in my life. Others get bullied, still not okay.I don't want to support a site that makes it easier for people to get bullied, life is hard enough as it is, we don't need people bringing us down 24/7. People spend their time on Facebook complaining when they could be doing something about it.
2. It's bad for me mentally
Like I said before, bullying. Also, seeing what everybody else is doing at almost every moment of their life it becomes easy to compare yourself to others and that is unhealthy. I live my own life and it will never be exactly the same as anyone's. Though I may not do it consciously I compare myself to others and stress myself out and I'm already a stressed out college kid that works and goes to school full time.   
3. It's not a necessity, there was life before Facebook.
There is no creation story that begins "and Facebook came into being and from it sprung humanity and all the creatures of the Earth." There have been lots of people who never had Facebook and have done pretty well. 
4. It will free me from the time waster that it is.
No logging on to Facebook=more time to decrease World suck. And time to read. 
5. I can focus on what is really important.
Facebook creates a lot of fake relationships, with the click of the button you are friends with someone or if you are a majority of the Facebook community, 500 some friends. In all honesty you can't have that many friends, acquaintances, yes, friends, no. I have my few close friends and that is all I need, not delusions of hundreds of so called friends that you met that one time and that one place. The world is already riddled with lies, I don't need to lie to myself about who my friends are and what qualifies them as friends.

I can also focus om doing good. Facebook is very good at creating a false atmosphere of helping, all the "like this to save that"  "follow this to create awareness." That's just lazy and insincere, though I know people have the best intentions liking a post isn't really going to save the world.

I would also like to spend more time on this blog and post whatever awesomeness I am up to and be able to document my adventures more freely.
So here's to new beginnings and the wonderful journey ahead! Allons-y!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone

BOOK ONE! DONE! That rhyme was completely necessary. Rereading the first book was such a delight. As with rereading any book I was a little afraid that it wouldn't be as good as I remembered it, but it was fantastic. Dare I say, better than I remembered.I have fallen in love with the characters and story all over again and it is quite a wonderful feeling.  Rowling's writing is just so good,especially for a book aimed at children. Her writing is not super complex, but at the same time it is not condescending which is very refreshing for children's/young adult literature.

I have become so well acquainted with the movies that I had forgotten the differences between the two.  I think that overall the film is a great adaptation of this book as films cannot portray every detail of the book they are based on or the film would be some twenty hours long and unbearably boring at times. I think that the films are wonderful and add a great element to the Harry Potter universe.

Back to the book...rereading it has given me some insight on the characters that I didn't have before and also questions about these characters. I think that despite what some would say, none of the characters in the Harry Potter universe are purely good or purely evil. Rowling does a great job at making it seem so at a surface level, but when looking past this facade the characters are a lot more complex. My main concern is Albus Dumbledore. I have heard many people say that Dumbledore is bad because he is just using Harry as a sacrifice and that he has no real compassion towards Harry or care about Harry's safety. I think that Dumbledore is much more human than we give him credit for. We as readers would love for him to be this godly character, omnipotent without imperfection, but he isn't. He is flawed. While Dumbledore is very aware, giving Harry the invisibility cloak, watching him at the mirror of Erised, he is also flawed, flying to the Ministry of Magic when he should be at the school. I shall continue this rant later as I continue the books and figure out more about Dumbledore's character.

I do really enjoy spending so much time in the Harry Potter universe, it seems that it is on to Book Two. Allons-y!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Rediscovering Harry Potter

It's been awhile since I've read the books and I have decided that the summer is the perfect time to become reacquainted with them. I am almost finished with the first book and happy to say that I love it just as much, if not more, now. I shall write more later. Allons-y!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

10 Reasons to Watch Doctor Who

Not necessarily the top ten reasons, but still ten reasons.
1. It's the longest running running science fiction television show in the world.
So you can watch history. That is pretty awesome.
2. It's funny
The dialogue, the situations, the characters, all can be so funny.
3. It's also sad
The opposite of what I said before, but in a good way. It creates multifaceted characters and keeps the storyline interesting.
4. It's a very smart show
The dialogue is wonderful, the continuity from episode to episode is fantastic. Each episode is connected in some way and you can always learn something from watching an episode. 
5. British accents
I'm American and I really enjoy accents. Yep.
6.It shows the importance of imagination
 Every episode takes a lot of imagination to create and each of the companions must suspend their disbelief as they encounter aliens and new worlds. The viewers must also suspend their disbelief at all the crazy things that happen in an episode.
7. It's well written
That dialogue. Witty and creative and beautiful. Love it.
8. It's a good show
By that I mean it's not fluffy and vulgar like all the reality shows that are coming out now. Doctor Who teaches love and acceptance and doing what is right. That sometimes we have to make hard decisions, but it will all turn out right in the end.
9. The fandom is fantastic
All the Time Lord Rock (Trock) songs, the artwork, the costumes are so wonderful and done with so much passion. Just Google it and see for yourself.
10. Fish fingers and custard.
Yum. Watch and you will know ;)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Life is a Bowl of Passion Fruit

Today I was told that I have passion. And I think that's why I get hurt so easily yet I also think it's why I enjoy life so fully. A lot of the time, most of the time, passion is misinterpreted. It gets misinterpreted and people label you as a freak, but it's passion all the same. Being passionate about everything can really open you up to getting hurt because you are putting yourself out there and letting others know what you truly care about, but I personally think that it is much more worth it to take that risk than to suffer in silence and hide how you truly fear. Without passion nothing can change. We live in a world full of empty words and when we live with passion our words become full of meaning. And it can be intimidating to be different. It's hard to stand against something that is so big and powerful, but if we don't then we are letting it happen and just become part of the problem. We need to be part of the solution.

I also believe that some people misinterpret anger for passion. Anger is a type of passion, but it can get destructive if not handled carefully. Anger clouds the vision and makes it all too easy to veer off into the realm of hate. Don't mistake anger for passion it will only lead to destruction.

There is so much fun in being passionate in everything you do. It takes the humdrum out of the day and defies the mundane. So let's continue to be passionate about all we do and take that risk.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Some Days I Feel Like The Doctor

As in Doctor Who. I really hate this time of year. I love the summer, but I have always found safety in the school year and when summer comes everybody leaves. I really hate goodbyes. I have seen a lot of people go and it never gets any easier.The Doctor is constantly saying goodbye and every time you can still see the pain it brings him. Each and every person is important to The Doctor and I find that each and every person I meet is important to me. Sometimes I wish I didn't care, but then I see all the difference that caring makes in Doctor Who and it gives me hope. The Doctor cares so much. I just wish we could all care like that.The Doctor keeps taking companions even though he knows deep down that it won't last forever. I also find it wonderful that he doesn't have a romantic relationship with every single companion yet he still loves them. People are in our lives for a fleeting moment and in that moment we must make the most of it and show them how much we love them and how important they are. While seeing all these people come and go in my life I feel like a separate entity, something that doesn't quite belong here, but still cares and takes part. Thank you Doctor for understanding me. Allons-y!

Pretty Much...

I am using Doctor Who as a coping mechanism. Healthy? Probably not. But I really don't care.